The solution to regret

by Nancy on March 3, 2010

This may sound like a “no-brainer” but if you don’t have clear goals, that’s the first problem. A goal or a vision of what you want – long term – is the first step. So whether it’s to lose 20 lbs. or to vacation in Paris, you have to be crystal clear about what you want. In other words, your WHY has to be very compelling.

A practical plan for reaching your goal is the next requirement. Without a plan, a goal is just a dream. There are plans for weight loss, money management, even for keeping a relationship strong. So create or borrow a plan from someone else who has done what you want to do.

Next is support. Support and accountability are key. Because no matter how motivated you are when you start – motivation doesn’t last. Just go to a gym January 2nd and then return 30 days later and see the difference. So get a team or coach that will hold you accountable to taking action on your plan. This could be a business coach, financial advisor or even a workout buddy depending on your goal.

The bottom line is that while it might not be human nature to focus on the long-term, the rewards are definitely worth it.  It reminds me of another quote:
“A year from now, you’ll wish you started today.”

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