Q&A with Nancy – “Now What?”

by Nancy on October 11, 2011

Q: I recently attended your “Overcome Call Reluctance Workshop” in Wisconsin. I found the DISC presentation very informative and eye-opening. My question is, now what do I do with the information? I’m an S-C trying to build a business so I’m sure it makes sense that I’m asking this question! ~ Michelle

A: Hi Michelle! Yes, it does make sense that you’re asking the question, “now what?” And it’s a great question. While some people think DISC is the answer, it’s really just a tool for awareness. And as you learned at the workshop, Awareness is only the first step to change. The second step is Understanding and the third is Reprogramming.

Once you’ve identified you’re style, and it’s limitations, the next thing is to understand how this is holding you back in your business.

As an S-C, my guess is your natural introversion and risk-aversion probably has you hold back from selling and recruiting new prospects.

The third step is reprogramming – the most difficult part. The very next time you notice yourself holding back, you must make the decision to push through your fear. It’s ironic but fear never goes away until you do the thing you’re afraid of. You might need to get some coaching and accountability to do this, but this is how you change what’s not working!

We have something coming up you might be interested in. We’re doing a teleclass on DISC – Going Beyond the Basics. We’re going to help you understand how your DISC style impacts 4 major areas in your business – Your Finances, Time Management, Building Your Team and Making Sales. Stay tuned for that announcement!

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