Money Secret #6 – Once you have money – it’s easier to get more!

by Nancy on February 22, 2010

The saying “the rich get richer” has often been misinterpreted. Many people use it as a way of insinuating that there is something sinister or dishonest about how people get rich. The add-on phrase “the poor get poorer” seems to make the point that the rich are actually taking from the poor!
The truth is – it is easier to get more money once you have some. But in my experience it’s not why we think.
What I’ve noticed about being broke (been there, done that!) is that so much energy is spent on the state of “broke-ness” that there isn’t any energy left for the ambition, creativity and hard work that it takes to generate money.
I’ve noticed this with family members and friends who are in dire financial straits. There is so much attention placed on the “lack”, the fear is debilitating.
It doesn’t always take money to make money – but it does take creativity and courage. And those two things are inhibited by focusing on what you don’t have.
Remember, what you focus on expands!

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