“What Will You Do Differently
This Coming Year
to Reach Your New Goals?”

Join us in March for the start of the NEW
Think Pink & Grow Rich coaching program.

If you’re ready to get started NOW, click here for the monthly payment option


Dear Mary Kay Business Owner,

One of the hidden advantages of being in Mary Kay is you get to have two New Years!!!   This gives you two times a year to “restart” your business.  Every July and January, you likely take stock of where you are, where you want to be and what you’re going to do differently now!

If you achieved your goals so far this year
You most likely set an even bigger goal for the rest of the Seminar year.  A new level brings a new “devil”.  Will you be able to get there with what got you here?


If you didn’t achieve your goals so far…
Do you know what happened?  What will you do differently to prevent yourself from sitting at Seminar next year having missed your goal once again?

Whichever place you find yourself, we should tell you that you are not alone! We have been coaching Mary Kay business owners for over two years now and we see the frustration of honest-hearted, hard-working women who “want it all” but don’t know how to get it.

There are very specific challenges that home-based, women business owners face.  And even greater challenges if you have children, care for elderly or ill family members, and maybe even work another job.

All of these take a toll on our productivity and ultimately, our profitability.  Because when we’re drowning in the “busy-ness” of our lives, we aren’t doing what we need to do to grow the business.

That’s exactly where I found myself nine years ago when I started my own home-based consulting business.  I was a behavioral analyst laid off from my dream job after September 11th.  So I did what any entrepreneurial woman would do, I hired myself!

I was so excited.  The unlimited income potential and possible freedom of owning my own business was exactly what I wanted.  Plus – no more commuting.  No incompetent bosses to deal with.  And I would never be laid off again.  Ahhh, finally security!

Yeah right!

The irony is that what I went into business for, I soon found myself without…

Money – Freedom – Peace of Mind

Thankfully I did figure out how to master this business ownership thing. (I now make in a month what I used to make in a year!)  But it took a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of searching and investigating possible answers.

It turns out that there are some very fundamental things you need to have in place before you can run a wildly successful Mary Kay business.  And if you don’t happen to stumble on these things yourself, you may not find them when you need them most.

I won’t leave you in suspense.  Here are the three things you need to have to build a six or seven figure, home-based business.

MISSION (WHY you are here)
– You need to have an understanding of your purpose in life. If this sounds really deep and significant – it is.  But in order to understand where your business fits in your life and how you can find ultimate fulfillment through your business, you have to know why you are here.  If this foundational requirement is missing, you can work your business for years and always feel like something is missing.

MINDSET (WHAT you are capable of) – You can be the most positive, ambitious, confident woman and yet fail, year after year, to reach the goals you set for yourself.  There are some underlying reasons why you will sabotage yourself and until you learn what these are and how to fix them, you’re destined to keep repeating your past behavior (and getting your current results).

MANAGING (HOW you run your business) – Once the WHY and WHAT are figured out, now you must turn your attention to how you run your business.  While Mary Kay gives you many terrific tools and resources, there are a few concepts and strategies you may not have heard of that will dramatically change the results you are currently getting.  We’re not talking about abandoning things that are working for you – just supplementing what you’re already doing.

That’s EXACTLY what Chris (my business partner) and I are laying out for you here, step by step, exciting program…

Think Pink & Grow Rich –
Your Foundation to More
Freedom, More Money & Your
Ultimate Lifestyle

This group coaching program is designed to propel your business and your life to a whole new level.

This program contains three modules.  In this program, you will…




Step-by-step, Chris and I will teach you how to build a business that resonates with exactly who you are, who you want to help, and brings you the lifestyle you and your family deserves.

“As much as people start businesses for the freedom and NOT wanting to be told
what to do, once they become business owners,
they suddenly CRAVE structure and accountability.”
~ Ali Brown, Multi-million dollar entrepreneur

You’ll be guided through a plethora of NEW ways to BOOK, SELL, RECRUIT and COACH – all spelled out for you in a program that you can implement quickly and easily.

Think Pink & Grow Rich –
Your Foundation to More
Freedom, More Money & Your
Ultimate Lifestyle

Here’s What You’ll Get In This 6-Month Program:


12 Training Callsin the Areas of
Mission, Mindset & Managing

Our Objective?  To Show You How to Build Your Dream Business…While Saving You Energy, Effort, and Emotion (like frustration and disappointment)

On these 12 calls (2 per month), we’ll cover ready-to-use, powerful strategies you can use right away to:

Sound good?  We think so. But wait, there’s more…

Not only will we be sharing all our own personal tools that we use in running of our home-based business but we’ll also be incorporating information from other experts, some who are our “personal mentors,” in many different areas of personal and business development.

Oh, and we’ll also be looking at real-life success stories of women just like you, who have integrated this information into their Mary Kay businesses…and have had tremendous success.

(2) 2 Private Laser Coaching Vouchers

Receive two, 30-minute personal coaching sessions throughout the program.  This is highly unique for a group coaching program.  But one thing we’ve learned is, as much as you need fresh, insightful information, you also need some encouraging support and accountability.

You can use all your one-on-one calls during one module or spread them out throughout the six month program.  (If you don’t have one specific focus for the program, our recommendation is to use one per module, Mission, Mindset, and Managing.)

6 LIVE, Open Q&A Calls  

Each month, we will follow up with a Q&A call to answer your questions regarding the topics covered on the two previous training calls.  Get live coaching on the phone and get immediate solutions to your specific business challenges.

(4) Unlimited Email Access to
Chris & Nancy

When you just can’t wait for your coaching sessions or the Q&A calls, get insightful, laser-like answers to your day-to-day business challenges via email.  (Most emails answered within 24 to 48 hours.)

(5) MP3 Audio Recordings and PDF Files of
the Materials Available for Download!

Best of all, if you happen to miss a training or Q&A call, no worries!  You will receive everything right away to download the program to your computer.

In addition, we have some exciting FREE Bonuses we’re including with this program:

BONUS #1: The Workplace Motivators Assessment ($100 value) helps you identify your own values and motivators (WHY you do what you do), how these drive your business and what you need to be fulfilled.

BONUS #2: A FREE copy of Napoleon’s Hill “Think & Grow Rich.” ($29 value) This classic wealth-creation manual is yours in a .pdf downloadable format.  Great for you to read and share with your team members.

We’ve thought at length about what to charge for this program.  What we will be sharing over the next six months can literally be worth THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars to you over the next few years.

And so far, these strategies have ONLY been shared with our one-on-one coaching clients.  Here is what one of our clients had to say:

YouTube Preview Image

But the purpose of this coaching program is to get this information to as many of you as possible.

And we know for some of you, this may be your first coaching experience with us.  So we want to make this program simply irresistible!

AND GET THIS: When you apply what you discover, it’s possible to make back what you’re paying for the program before the program is over!

IMAGINE!  Having your monthly payment for the
Think Pink & Grow Rich Program
coming – not from your bank account –
but from the added income from your newly energized business.

Remember, we have directly helped many women overcome their fears and doubts to reach new levels of success and DRAMATICALLY improve their business success.

Here are just a few quick examples…

YouTube Preview Image

“After implementing just a few of your suggestions on how to maximize recruiting at my event, I recruited 100% of the guests at my next two events.”
~ Anna Rowe White, Senior Sales Director, Virginia

 “You and Chris have just given so much of yourselves and your wisdom to all of us, and we cannot thank you enough.  Your training is literally changing lives!” ~ Jennifer Kyle Herd

And this is just a small sampling of the many comments that we receive. If our methods have worked for them – can’t you see the possibility that they will work for YOU too?

So think about it, how would it feel to…

Let us show you how to do this.

Click on one of the links below now to get started…


“Yes, Chris & Nancy, I’m ready to commit to taking my business to the next level with all the strategies and tools in the Think Pink & Grow Rich coaching program.”

I understand with this investment, I receive the following:

  • 12 bi-monthly training calls covering three modules: Mission, Mindset & Managing
  • 2 one-on-one, 30-minute coaching sessions to get personalized attention and assistance
  • 6 LIVE Q&A calls to answer any questions I have throughout the program
  • Unlimited email access to get immediate laser-coaching or feedback
  • All calls and materials will be available to download in MP3 and .pdf formats

Plus, I will receive these great bonuses:

  • BONUS #1: The Workplace Motivators Assessment ($100 value).
  • BONUS #2: A FREE copy of Napoleon’s Hill “Think & Grow Rich.”  ($29 value)

I understand and agree that the Think Pink & Grow Rich program is designed as a six-month curriculum and I am committing to invest in the entire program.

I further understand and agree that if, for any reason, I choose to remove or cancel myself from this program prior to the end of the program dates, I am obligated to pay or continue paying any outstanding balance(s) as indicated on the enrollment form if I have selected the monthly installment option. If I’m paying in full, I understand no refunds will be issued.

I’m assured this online transaction is 100% secure and after my information is received I will get an electronic receipt and immediate instructions on downloading my Bonuses.

I’m ready to reserve my spot in the Think Pink & Grow Rich program by choosing one of the two options below.

Please choose one OPTION:

Pay in 6 Easy Monthly Installments of $157

Pay In Full Option of Only $799 (saving over $80)

We can’t wait for you to join this program so we can share with you ALL the great tools, tips and techniques that we have for ultimate business success!












Wishing You Success,
Nancy Roberts & Chris Kenney

P.S. If you have any questions that we haven’t answered, please call 888-347-2949 and hit “1003” to leave your question.  We will get back to you in a flash.



