
Why you get nothing done

 Have you ever had a day that just went perfectly?  You were focused and energized and everything on your to do list got accomplished with ease.  Or if you have had a day like that, it was a long time ago and you’re probably wondering how you can have more just like it.    Well, […]

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It doesn’t take a village – it takes a parent!

A couple month’s ago, I was at a mastermind meeting for business owners.  We help each other come up with marketing ideas and campaigns for our respective businesses. One gentleman owns a family-oriented Italian restaurant.  We were helping him figure out how to advertise more effectively that he was “kid-friendly.”  Another member in the group suggested […]

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Ending 2009 Powerfully.

Besides saying goodbye to 2009 with a look back through my pictures, I also have a year end ritual (or year beginning depending how you look at it) that I do on the first day of the year.  Before I take down my wall calendar, I write down my top 25 accomplishments from the year.  I […]

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