
A Year From Now, You Will Wish You Started Today

Awhile back, I heard a quote that stopped me in my tracks. Jim Rohn, America’s foremost business coach once said: “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.” While the truth of this quote sunk in, I had to admit there were plenty of things I […]

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Tough economy? Depends on one thing!

This past week, I attended the Young Entrepreneurs Alliance (YEA) tradeshow at the University of Rochester. If you’ve never heard of YEA (I hadn’t prior to this), it was founded on the belief that teens from all walks of life have innate talents, waiting to be discovered. YEA helps low-income teens realize their economic potential […]

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Why you get nothing done

 Have you ever had a day that just went perfectly?  You were focused and energized and everything on your to do list got accomplished with ease.  Or if you have had a day like that, it was a long time ago and you’re probably wondering how you can have more just like it.    Well, […]

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The solution to regret

This may sound like a “no-brainer” but if you don’t have clear goals, that’s the first problem. A goal or a vision of what you want – long term – is the first step. So whether it’s to lose 20 lbs. or to vacation in Paris, you have to be crystal clear about what you […]

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